
Friday, October 19, 2012

Nutella "Brownies"

I am really thinking I should stay away from Pinterest. Every time I go on that site, there is some scrumptious looking goodies that I feel like I have to run to the kitchen and make. 

Case in point: Nutella Brownies

Only called for 3 ingredients:
1 cup Nutella

10 tbsp flour (also known as ½ c. plus 2 tbsp. If you are too lazy to count to 10 like me…)

2 eggs
Stir all ingredients together and bake in an 8”x8” pan or a muffin tin at 350°F for 20-30 minutes.

I did the muffin tin. I also added some vanilla. It suggested adding nuts, but no thank you.

My analysis: Not exactly what I would call a brownie, but a pretty good cupcake/muffin. My husband said he couldn't taste Nutella. However, being a chocolate purist, I can tell you I could taste that vague hint of hazelnut…
Next time, I think I will add some chocolate chips! Boost the chocolate factor! I also wondered what would happen if I replaced the Nutella with peanut butter, but that will have to wait for another day…

En Français:

Nutella “Brownie”

280 g Nutella
2 œufs

62 g farine de blé

Mélange tous ensemble. Mettre dans un moule de gâteau.
On peut mettre des noisettes dessous.

Fais cuire dans un four à  180°C pour 20-30 minutes.

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