
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Cake Pruneaux Lardons

 Have you ever come across a recipe so weird you just had to try it. Sounds like a really bad idea, but it could be good. I'm trying to be adventurous and think outside the box....

The recipe I speak of is a French one that I found on the internet:

Cake aux pruneaux et aux lardons

First of all, when a French person says "Cake", they are referring to what we Americans would call a "quick bread".  So this translates to: 

Bacon Prune Bread

I know, weird.... Really weird, but it has bacon so I gotta try it. It says it's great with a salad or as an appetizer... OK, let's do this!

Step 1: Fry up 150 g. of bacon. For me it was about 6 thick slices. Break into pieces.

Step 2: Weigh out your dry ingredients and place them in a bowl.You need 150 g. flour, packet of baking powder and some salt and pepper. Yes, the French get their baking powder in little cute pink packets. You can just weigh out 11 g.  (0.38 oz.). Whisk together (.... or sift if you prefer....)

Step 3: Weigh out your pitted prunes and shredded cheese (Emmental, Gruyere or Comté). You will need 100 g each. Chop your prunes into small pieces.

Step 4: Make a well in your flour mixture and add: 3 eggs, 15 cl. milk and 2 TBSP. olive oil. Stir just until combined. Add in the bacon, prunes, and cheese. Stir as little as possible.

Step 5: Butter and flour a loaf pan. Pour ingredients into pan and bake at 180°C (about 350°F) for 45 min. to 1 hour.

Oh rats! I lost my photo of the finished project, so I will just borrow one.

cake aux pruneaux et lardons
 I'm not really sure about that. The bacon took on a weird chewy texture. Which, I suppose is to be expected. Try it, if you are brave enough :) 

Cake aux pruneaux et aux lardons
Temps de préparation : 20 minutes
Temps de cuisson : 45 minutes
Ingrédients (pour 8 personnes) :
- 150 g de farine
- 1 sachet de levure chimique
- 3 œufs
- 100 g de pruneaux
- 150 g de lardons
- 2 cuillères à soupe d'huile
- 15 cl de lait
-100 g. d'emmental râpé
- sel et poivre
Préparation de la recette :
Mélanger farine, levure, œufs, battre le tout, ajouter sel, poivre, puis ajouter l'huile.
Faire griller les lardons à la poêle. Faire chauffer le lait. Couper les pruneaux en petits morceaux. Ajouter le lait chaud à la préparation, puis les lardons et les pruneaux.
Beurrez un moule à cake (y ajouter une fine couche de farine, en la répartissant dans le moule).
Cuire à four chaud (thermostat 7) pendant 45 mn.
Servir froid ou chaud.
Remarques : Idéal pour une entrée avec une salade, ou en petits morceaux à l'apéritif.

1 comment:

  1. that looks delicious! Bacon Bacon Bacon! OMG why is that baking powder so super cute! Waaaah! On a side note - I found a thrift store that is the humane society one and they do 99 cent Mondays! Hurry Back!
